Monday, January 16, 2012


Hello Graphic #109
Hey everybody who is reading my awesome blog. Today we are going to learn about reptiles. Hope you enjoy and have some FUN!!!!!!

What We Are Going To Learn Today

  • What characteristics do all reptiles have in common
  • How are they different from amphibians
  • The different groups of reptile (Wait And I will tell you later)
  • I'm going to describe each group's characteristics
  • An example animal from each group
Before we start here are some reptiles.

    First I am going to talk about the characteristics of all reptiles. Well all reptiles have vertebrates. If you haven't read my blog before vertebrates are living things that have backbones. They all have lungs which means they can breathe air like us humans. So that means they live in on land, but some can live in water because they can hold their breath and come up for air. All reptiles are cold-blooded. It doesn't mean they have cold blood. It means that their body temperature change according to the surroundings. All reptiles have scales. Scales are thin flat pointy plates that cover an animal.

    Second, we are going to talk about the differences between reptiles and amphibians. Amphibians start out with gills and then lungs. Reptiles have lungs for their whole life. Reptiles look like mini adults when they’re babies, amphibians go through metamorphosis and look completely different after metamorphosis. 
         It is the adult then the kid.
    Amphibian eggs are jellylike and reptile eggs are hard.
    Next we are going to talk abut the different groups of reptiles. First, let me start by saying this, the groups of reptiles are: Crocodilians which are Crocodiles and Alligators, Turtles and Tortoises, and Lizards. 
                                                                              Crocodilian (American Crocodile)

                                                                              Hawksbill Sea Turtle
                                                                                               Snake (Anaconda)
                                                                                          Lizard (Angel Head) 

    Now we are going to talk about the characteristics of each type of reptile.

    The first reptile we are going to talk about are the crocodilians. Crocodilians are the largest reptiles in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crocodiles can grow up to 23 feet long. Alligators can grow up to 13 feet. Crocodilians eat rats, snakes, fish, and turtles. They do not use their teeth to eat, so they swallow their preys in big chunks. A male crocodile can weight up to 1,984 lbs. A male alligator can weigh up to 800 lbs. A crocodile can stay under water from 3 to 5 minutes. My favorite crocodilian is the American Crocodile because it is American.  

    Here is another cool alligator that I like.

    Next we are going to talk about the lizard. There are 3,000 lizard species in the world. Some lizards may grow up to 10 feet, but some lizards can be as small as the index finger. When a lizard is being attacked it can break off part of his tail. They do this because it distracts the predators.  Most lizards are active during the day. My favorite lizard is the komodo dragon, because it is one of the largest lizards.


    The next reptile is the snake. Snakes are carnivores which are meat eaters. There are over 2,700 species of them. They can't survive in cold places, because they are cold blooded. Snakes don't have eye lids.They are weirdos. Snakes smell with their tongue, that is why they stick their tongue out. My favorite snake is the King Cobra, because its vicious. 

    The last reptile we are going to talk about is the turtle/tortoise. They eat plants, jellyfish, clams, and shrimp.  Some adult turtles can weigh up to 200 lbs. Those are some heavy turtles! Tortoises can weigh up to 600 lbs. They can't breathe in water, but sea turtles can hold their breath for up to 5 months. Turtles can live up to 150 years. Tortoises can live to about 165 years. My favorite turtle is the TMNT.
     Just Kidding
    It is giant tortoise because it is bigger than ever.

    I hope you learned something about reptiles today Bye! Don't forget to comment.
    Goodbye Graphic #29


    1. good pics and good info and good personality as always :) i give u 4 stars... i guess :P btw i wrote a lot more in the beginning but this is like my 500th time writing this so lol. oh and btw UR BACKGROUND PIC LOOKS LIKE CHESCA! OR CHESKA! OR CHESCKA! OR HOWEVER U SPELL HER NAME LOL

    2. Julian I dislike how the font was different, but anyway everything was good so a 3.9 some thing like that

    3. Your blog was really good!! :):):) It had lot's of facts and personality!! You had lots of good pictures and stuff! And... why does have your blog have font and the other half does'nt!??!?! Anyways, your blog was amzingly awesome!! :D :D

    4. Julian I think your blog was good but the words were small and hard to read so next time make them bigger. Next time make your post longerrrrrrrrrrrr

      3 stars ***

    5. First of all my backround does not look like chesca. Second of all i dont know why it does that.


    6. Omg.. how does it look like CHESCA!!
