Sunday, November 13, 2011

Seasons :D

It's me Julian, here so you can learn once again. This time I'm going talk about seasons. My favorite season is Summer. Do you know why? Okay, my first reason is that my birthday is in that season. My second reason is that school is out.

 Why do we have seasons? Why do seasons change? Those are good questions, If you want to find out is it READ THIS!

Seasons ( Fall, Summer, Spring, and Winter)
This is a video about the seasons.

Why Do We Have Seasons?
 Do you ever wonder why a globe is tilted? A globe is tilted because it is trying to be the model of the earth. The earth is tilted 23.5 degrees.

The Northern Hemisphere is always a different season in the Southern Hemisphere because the earth is tilted. So when it is Summer in North America in July, it is Winter in the Southern Hemisphere. That  happens because the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. Can you believe it?... Winter in July?

When it is Winter in Europe, it is Summer in Australia. Try to guess this... If it is Fall in Canada, what season is it in Brazil? If you guessed Spring you are correct.
This is why we have seasons! Cool right? This all happens because the earth is tilted.

Why Do Seasons Change?
  The earth is tilted as it makes its yearly journey around the sun. I would never run non stop for a whole year. The earth's axis is tilted on an angle. This means one side of the earth is always facing the sun. The Northern Hemisphere leans to the sun in the summer. In fact in the summer the North Pole is facing toward the sun. So the part of the earth near the North Pole becomes warmer. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun it is Winter. In the North Pole it is the farther away from the sun it is colder. So the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere take turns being Summer and Winter. In between it is Fall and Spring.
Why we have seasons and why seasons change are kind've the same.

  If you learned something, good for you!! If you didn't, please comment. Well then, see you next time!!.


  1. Julian your blog is very good, the ending picture with the alien thing is kind of disturbing though. Other than that, you did a good job having all your facts, and great pictures. ( :

  2. Hey jujy... Great Blog. Wow, I'm like, amazed. I loved how you put so much great detail, but it could use some more pictures.

  3. This blog was so awesome! You really explained it well. Also that ending picture was is creepy.

  4. GREAT job g.g great info and pics! luv ur graphics!:) also luv ur backround! :D

  5. hahah julien you had really info and you put yoself into it too and haha i coodnt stop laffing at the alien thing
