Friday, August 19, 2011

The Six Kingdoms of Life :)

   Hey what's up? Do you guys know about the Six kingdoms of life? Well now you are going to, I'm going to teach you. DON'T get bored. Scientists divide living things into six large groups called kingdoms.  We classify things because we want to keep them in order and not messy. If we didn't classify them it be hard to find things.

  • The Grocery store uses classification, Meat, Frozen foods, Dairy, and Cereals ( I Love Dairy!).
  • The Itunes store uses classification, Rap, Hip Hop, Country and Pop (GO Black Eyed Peas!).
  • The Game Store uses classification , New Realeases, Wii, Ds, PS3 and Xbox ( I have a Xbox!).
  • The Clothing Store uses classification, Men, Women, and Kids (Kids are AWESOME!).
  • Libraries use classification, History, Kids, Adults, Spanish, French, Movies, and CD'S (Diary of Wimpy Kid ROCKS!).

   The six kingdoms of life are animals, plants, fungi, protist, archeabacteria, and eubacteria.
     The cool fact about the animal kingdom is that the members of this kingdom have many cells. Animal cells have a nucleus that is contained inside a membrane. Animals eat food by eating other organisms. They are divided into two subgroups: invertebrates and vertebrates. Vertebrate means the animal has a backbone. Invertebrate means the animal does not have a backbone. Examples of animals are fish, cows, and alligators.
      Plant kingdom's members are made up of many cells that have an outer cell wall.. They also have a membrane-bound nucleus. All  plants make there own food by a process called photosynthesis. Some groups of plants are ferns, mosses, conifers, and flowering plants.
     The awesome fact about about fungi kingdom s that they contain single celled or multi celled  organisms that reproduce by spores. Fungi have cells that are surrounded by cell walls, like plants but the fungi cell wall is made out of different material. Fungi cell walls are made up of  chitin, and plants' outer cell wall is made up of cellulose. An example of fungi are mushrooms.
     The good fact about protist kingdom is that it is  made up of one-celled organisms and simple many-celled organims. The nucleus of a protist's cell is enclosed in a nuclear membrane. Some protists feed on other organisms, like one-celled amoeba and parameceum. Some make their own food, like one-celled euglena and many-celled algae.
     The cool fact about the archaebacteria kingdom is that  it includes single-celled organisms. The name means "ancient bacteria". Scientists think that archeabacteria were one of the first living life forms. The genetic material  is not contained inside a nucleus. These cells are called prokaryotes. They lack other structures found in the cells of eukaryotes. Even though bacterial cells are don't have a nucleus and other structures, they still are able to perform  all the tasks necessary for life. They use energy to grow and develop, respond to their environment, and reproduce. Examples of archaebacteria are methanogens, halophiles, and thermoacidophiles
     The  eubacteria kingdom is one-celled and doesn't have a  nuclear membrane like the archeabacteria.. Some can make food and some must find food. Examples are eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
       There are a few similarities in the kingdoms of life. Archeabacteria and eubacteria both have one cell and no membrane. Archeabacteria and eubacteria also have to make their own food and some must find food. Fungi have cells that are surrounded by cell walls like plants. Fungi and protist both have single celled organisms. Animal and protist both have nuclear membranes.
    There are many diferences in the kingdom of life. Plant cells have a cell wall and the animal kingdom doesn't. Fungi's cell walls are made up of different material than plant's cell walls. The animal kingdom has a nuclear membrane, eubacteria doesn't. Protist has a membrane archeabacteria doesn't. Protist have many cells archeabacteria doesn't. Animal is the only kingdom that has subgroups. Archeabacteria is the only kingdom that can be found near hot geyesers.
                                                                  This is a plant
This is an animal                                                   
                                                                                                    This is eubacteria
      This is fungi                                                                                                                                                       This is protist                                                                           This is                                                                                                                                archeabacteria

Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer Highlights

I didn't really do anything this summer. I went to basketball camp for six weeks and I got way better. I know how to do through the legs and behind the back. I can usually make three pointers. I won three contests and it was all free throw contests. I made eight out of ten free throws. That's what I did for my summer.

What am I looking foward to this year

For Language Arts Im looking foward to learning Greek and Latin. Also I want to learn new words, long words, and complicated words. The teacher is awesome (Mrs. Spaulding). The second period science with Mr. Sellers. I'm looking forward to BLOGS! What I like about science is that were going to use technology more this year. I'm love science. My Third period is math. Math is so fun especially math games. Math can be really hard sometimes but im going to come thru and get straight a's. Im looking forward to learning more. After that we have Spanish. Spanish is kind of easy since my dad is from a Spanish country. I need to do good in that or im going to get in trouble. But I know im going to do good. Im looking forward to learning more Spanish My last period is Social Studies. Social Studies is really fun. Im looking forward to learning about Japan. For some reason Japan is so fun. My goals for the whole year is don't get in trouble, get straight A's, and just have FUN.